1.Kawabun 河文
Kawabun, Nagoya’s oldest ryotei restaurant with 400 years of history
In the Edo period (1603-1867), around the time of the construction of Nagoya Castle, Kawachiya Bunzaemon moved to the town of Nagoya, where a “grid” was being built.
Kawachiya Bunzaemon moved over Kiyosu to the city of Nagoya, where the “Go board” was being built.
Kawachiya Bunzaemon started out as a fishmonger and was later recognized by Owari Tokugawa as a connoisseur of fish, and continued to weave its history as a caterer and chef.
It is the only restaurant in the city that has been in business since the Edo period. It has the longest history in Nagoya.
While cherishing the traditions handed down from generation to generation, we are creating a new culture while challenging ourselves to keep up with the times.
在江户时代(1603-1868年),大约在建造名古屋城的时候,川千家文左卫门搬到了名古屋镇,当时名古屋镇被布置成一个 “网格”。
该市唯一一家从江户时代就开始营业的餐厅。 它在名古屋的历史最悠久。

2.Arata 新
Please enjoy “a moment of happiness” through our carefully prepared dishes made with the finest ingredients in a relaxed atmosphere in a renovated old private house.
在一栋翻新的老房子里,在轻松的氛围中,通过精心准备的菜肴和精心挑选的原料,享受 “幸福的时刻”。