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A restaurant serving chicken dishes using Mikawa Jidori chicken and Nagoya Cochin as well as Japanese bowl dishes. The modern Japanese-style restaurant has a warm, relaxed atmosphere with an elegant appearance, and is equipped with loft seating that can accommodate up to 25 people and private tatami rooms.

鳥椀 ちょうわん 伏見店
伏見駅の居酒屋、鳥椀 ちょうわん 伏見店のホームページです。お店の基本情報やおすすめ料理の「鳥椀名物♪〆に親子丼♪2時間飲み放題付コース4800円(税込)」「3年連続!!唐揚げグランプリ最高金賞の手羽先~外はパリッ!中はジューシー♪一人前590円/800円」「最後の〆はぜひ親子丼がオススメ◎上質な名古屋コーチンのお肉と...