岐阜県 中津川市 苗木城 Naegi Castle in Nakatugawa city Gifu Preef
1 hour 34 min (90.2 km) by car via “Route 41 and Chuo Expressway/Nishinomiya Route
Linear station planned site
味わい広場 リニア駅予定地
中津川恵那の特産品 味わい広場(JR中津川駅前)
Nakatsugawa-Nagoya 11 min. commuting distance after opening
何もありませんがこれから発展するのかな?リニア開通後中津川‐名古屋11分 通勤圏
Naegi Castle, Machu Picchu of Asia
Morning and afternoon photos are mixed together.
Taken from the top of the red bridge 赤い橋の上から撮影
The steam from the Kiso River makes it look like a cloud.
Is there a bit of atmosphere around here? Machu Picchu?この辺りはチョット雰囲気あるか?マチュピチュ?
寒い朝、木曽川の水蒸気が雲のようです。On a cold morning, the steam from the Kiso River looks like clouds.
Taken from the top of the Red Bridge on a cold November morning.
Taken from the top of the Red Bridge on a cold November morning.