Azumino City is located at the foot of the Alps.

WASABI dish fields are located in the spring water of Azumino.
It is located at the foot of the Northern Alps.北アルプスの麓にあります。
It is one of the 100 best waters.名水百選です。
湧水のデータ(水質、水量) Spring water data (water quality, water volume)
Water volume: 700,000 tons/day
There are many places where spring water gushes of which is a park.
The water temperature is around 13°C all year round.
Drinking water in Azumino City is groundwater derived from snow melt in the Alps.
山へ移動して飲料用の湧水「延命水」へ Moving to the mountains, we went to Enmei Water, a drinking spring.
There’s a small waterfall. 小さな滝があります
Azmino Official HP
撮影者がいました There was a photographer.
This is the location of Akira Kurosawa’s movie “Dream”.
Wasabi Farm、The royal family also came to visit.
Azumino City is near Tateyama Kurobe.
Kamikochi is also nearby.