愛知県の瀬戸 岩屋堂にある滝
Seto’s secluded area overflowing with nature
Iwayado is a place where visitors can enjoy nature in all four seasons: cherry blossoms, natural pools, autumn leaves, and Seto-ohtaki Waterfall. Iwayado is a natural stone shrine in the park, named after the famous monk Gyoki, and is on the route of the Tokai Nature Trail, making it one of the most popular tourist spots in the region. From the Iwayasuyama Observatory, you can see as far as Nagoya Station on a clear day.
岩屋户是一个可以享受四季自然的地方,有樱花、天然游泳池、红叶和濑户大瀑布。 岩屋堂是公园里的一个天然石制神社,以著名的僧侣行基命名,位于东海自然步道的路线上,是该地区最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。 从岩屋山天文台,在晴朗的日子里,你可以看到远至名古屋站的情况。
59 min (37.4 km) via “Nagoya Expressway Route 2 Higashiyama Line/Route 2 by car
Official Site http://www.seto-marutto.info/en/
定光寺 パワースポットで有名